Laravel How to: Use custom Blade directive to make navigation item active

Blade is the simple templating engine provided with Laravel which is powerful as well. All Blade views are compiled into plain PHP code and cached until they are modified. Blade view files use the .blade.php
file extension and they are stored into resources/views
Extending Blade
You can define your own custom directives using the directive
method. While compiling the Blade templates, if any custom directive is encountered, the compiler will call the provided callback with the expression that the directive contains.
You must define your custom directive in AppServiceProvider to make sure the directive is available everywhere in your application.
Example: Apply active
class to navigation item for current page
Think that you are developing an application in Laravel where you have a big navigation on left hand side. Whenever you navigate to a page using, you need to apply the active CSS class to the item matching the current URL. There can be different ways to make this work but here we will see how we can use custom directive to return the active CSS class name if current route name is matching with the provided on.
In the above code snippet, I’ve defined two custom directives isactive
and isactiveandopen
which we can use in the blade template as following:
Make sure after changing logic of a Blade direction, you execute the
php artisan view:clear
command to clear cached Blade views.
Thanks and hope this will help you in your project.